

Date of publication:

The Multilingualism and Diversity Conference on 12 July 2023 is an opportunity to gain experience by presenting your research to a supportive student community, questioning and deepening your knowledge, and networking with peers who share similar academic interests. The deadline for submitting a draft paper (200-300 words) is 17 April 2023.

In today's globalised world, mobility is part of the social fabric, and multilingual communication and intercultural contacts are part of everyday life in all areas of human activity. At the same time, multilingualism is still not valued and is often seen as a "problem" or "threat" to social cohesion.

In this context, the second EUTOPIAStudent Learning CommunityConference on Multilingualism and Diversity focuseson intercultural dialogue and linguistic inclusion. The aim of this online conference is to provide a platform for students to present their work and thus deepen their understanding in this field, gain new insights and ideas and develop their research skills.

We welcome submissions on multilingualism, which may address, inter alia, the following topics:

  • The world of work (Business, health, work ...).
  • Global issues (intercultural communication, immigration, crisis communication, multilingualism in the public sphere ...).
  • Translation (Translation technology (e.g. machine translation), interpretation, audiovisual translation ...). 

The application must be accompanied by:

  • A paper proposal of 200 to 300 words (including keywords); and
  • a short curriculum vitae.

Please send your proposal to eutopia.mds.conf@mail.com. The deadline for submission is 17 April 2023.

You will be informed at a later date of the details regarding the length of the presentation, the confirmation of the selected papers and the timing of the event. The conference will be held digitally and participants will receive a certificate for their contributions.

Photo: Unsplash