Program type




No. of ECTS credit points


About the programme

The textile and clothing industry arises from traditional handicraft skills, but in the last century it has developed a completely self-expressive system that is connected with art and other design practice and theory.

A textile designer’s creative process typically starts with an idea; it is necessary first of all to visualise it and later or parallel to that to find appropriate technical procedures. The process of conceptualising and materialisation of ideas requires a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of artistic disciplines, sciences and knowledge of implementing technologies.

Based on experience with current undergraduate and graduate education in the field of textile and fashion design over the last 35 years of cooperation with foreign higher education institutions, particularly those involved in CUMULUS network, a new study concept was developed based on four parallel verticals: basic, which includes parallel studies in textile and fashion design, art expressive verticals, technology, which means supporting the implementation of design ideas, and support, which includes the necessary knowledge and skills development in the field of computer design and knowledge of the history of textile and apparel marketing and management.

The master study programme Textile and fashion design deepens and builds on all four verticals, with foundations built at the academic bachelor level. Stronger international cooperation, intensity of study, professional liability and artistic creativity is intended at the master level study.