Equability in and through handball: Leveraging women's inclusion towards better sports for everyone

The objective of this project is to promote women’s active participation in handball management roles, which will not only open up career paths for the individuals that are involved, but also significantly increase the quality of sports governance in general which would benefit all the stakeholders from both genders and all age groups. In a sense this project aims to initiate a virtuous cycle wherein a number of female handball managers will be trained through internationally accepted best practices, and their post-project involvement in handball will help to significantly increase the quality of governance in handball, which will in turn help to attract even more women to get actively involved in sports. The project will be undertaken under the coordination of the Turkish Handball Federation, as a partnership between Turkish and Slovene institutions.

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2021 - 2027)
Partnerships for Cooperation
Small-scale Partnerships
Small-scale Partnerships in Sport


Turkish Handball Federation - Turkish Handball Federation, Turkey


Sosyal Guclendirme için Spor ve Beden Hareketi dernegi - BoMoVu, Turkey

Project value

60.000,00 EUR

Value for UL

16.000,00 EUR

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Sport UL (UL FŠ)

Person responsible


Best International Practices, Handball, Erasmus+, Training, Sport, Sport, Women's Leadership, Women in Sport