Land Information for Land Management

Sustainable management of the resource “Land” requires up-to date and detailed geoinformation for decision-makers. Well-educated land administration (LA) professionals are providing this information for the tasks of land management by using satellite images, photogrammetry, and geoinformation technologies (GIS). Li4LaM aims to improve knowledge, skills and competences of LA students on collecting, interpreting, and analysing geodata. Li4LaM develops and provides state-of-the-art teaching and learning materials for in total 12 existing modules of LA relevant study programs offered at four Ethiopian universities.

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2021 - 2027)
Capacity Building
Capacity Building in Higher Education


Technische Univesitaet Wien (TU Wien), Austria


BOKU, Austria
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Woldia, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Institute of Arhitecture, Ethiopia
University of Agriculture in Krakow (UAK), Poland

Project value

707.800,00 EUR

Value for UL

56.000,00 EUR

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy UL (UL FGG)

Person responsible


Sustainable Management, Geoinformation, Land Management, Geodata, Study Programmes, Erasmus+