Program type




No. of ECTS credit points


UL member

About the programme

By completing the programme, the graduate acquires extensive knowledge of ancient political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religion and mythology, everyday life and other areas of ancient material culture and history of ideas. Special emphasis is given to the Latin Middle Ages and Humanism and the reception of Greco-Roman culture from the Renaissance to modern times.
By choosing a course, the student focuses on the thorough study of one of the two classical languages. Greek and Roman literature and culture are equally represented in the program.
The graduate thus acquires a broad classical-humanistic education, extensive knowledge of ancient history, literature and culture, as well as specific philological competences, being able to read different types of texts in the original Greek language, and understanding the history of the language and its influence on modern languages. The in-depth knowledge he develops enables him to do research independently, translate literary texts, and work in other areas where highly developed textual skills are required. He is also able to work in related fields where knowledge of classical languages is indispensable: archeology and museology, history, art history, linguistics and literary studies.