Within the framework of the EUTOPIA Student Career Ambassadors workshops, the VUB Career Center is opening up all of their online sessions (in English) to the Alliance students in collaboration with Randstad Young Talents!

You can enroll to these workshops: 

    • 5th November: Understand the Job Market: from vacancies, company fit to contracts

    Finding a company and job where you fit right in might sound difficult to find! Where do you find vacancies? Should you be aiming for a position in a small or medium-sized company (SME) or a big corporate? Which type of contract gives you the most benefits as an international employee? We compare the differences for you. 
    After following this workshop you will know what different types of contracts are out there. You will understand how the size of a company affects its employees and which company cultures suits you. 

    • 14th November: CV, LinkedIn and cover letters: How to land an interview

    Having a strong CV and cover letter enhances your chances to be interviewed. Did you know that LinkedIn is a networking tool but also a source of information! Find out how your CV stands out from the crowd! A recruiter will tell you the secrets on how to create a strong CV that sets you apart and how to a quickly craft a persuasive cover letter. After attending this workshop you will also know the pitfalls and benefits of LinkedIn and job platforms.  How to use LinkedIn to network and build your career.

    • 15th November: Interview and salary negotiations: How to land the job

    Are you ready to nail interviews and salary negotiations? You want to know how to spot potential red flags from companies? During this workshop you will get inside information from a former recruiter on how to prepare yourself for interviews and their questions. After following this workshop you will know what questions to ask the interviewer. What it takes to be able to negotiate your salary and important information is you are in need of a Belgium work permit.

    You can enroll to the workshops via VUB Career Centre Portal available here