The University of Ljubljana (hereinafter UL) provides infrastructural support via the infrastructure program of University of Ljubljana »Network of Research and Infrastructural Centers UL (MRIC UL)« that includes 34 infrastructural centres within 13 member faculties of UL (Biotechnical Faculty, School of Economics and Business, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) and the Rectorate and via research equipment, which is partly co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency.
The infrastructure program plays an important role in supporting member faculties' participation in international infrastructure projects and landmarks of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The participation is implemented via member faculties' infrastructure centres: Faculty of Social Sciences (CESDA, and ESS), Faculty of Pharmacy (EATRIS), Faculty of Medicine (ELIXIR, and SiMBioN/Euro-BioImaging), and Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (E-RIHS) and other faculties. More information about involvment of UL in European Research Infrastructure.
The organization of the national hubs of ESFRI's international infrastructure projects is based on the strategic networking of partners and the establishment of an information access system. What is more, it also enables the implementation of independent research and is based on the open search for partners in companies or industries.
UL has increased its competitiveness, since the role of the national hub is at the same time also the promotion of national centres and expertise in the European region, to achieve complementarity and to find synergies for joint applications in international programs and to direct national investments in large research infrastructure.
Network of research and infrastructural centres