The University of Ljubljana has adopted the Code of Ethics of the University of Ljubljana wherein the minimum ethics standards of students, educators and other employees at the University are defined, and the Code of Ethics for Researchers of UL, with which it laid the foundations of ethical conduct for educators, researchers and doctoral students in their academic and research activities.
Codes of Ethics and Integrity
The Code of Ethics of the University of Ljubljana contains the University's core values, goals and expected minimum ethical behaviour of its employees and students at the University. Its aim is to build and maintain high professional and ethical standards among members of the University community, thereby strengthening the commitment to the University, the University’s transparency and social responsibility, the freedom of research, teaching, and learning, and the social reputation of the University.
The Code of Ethics for Researchers at the University of Ljubljana addresses general ethical issues that arise in any research work. Each individual is responsible for identifying potential ethical issues in their research and, in the case of ethically sensitive issues, for obtaining instructions from their superiors (for example, a mentor, research project supervisor, head of department, or vice-dean for research) or approval from the Ethical Committee of their faculty (either a standing body or established ad hoc). If the faculty does not have an ethical committee and the research involves the participation of human subjects, the University’s Committee on Ethics in Research Involving Human Subjects decides on the applications for assessing the ethical adequacy of the research conducted at the University of Ljubljana.
In addition to the Code of Ethics for Researchers at the University of Ljubljana, all researchers, educators, and doctoral students must also adhere to the ethical standards specific to their research field (e.g., medicine, social work, social sciences, animal research) and the ethical principles, standards, and best research practices outlined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
The University has also committed itself to raising the researchers' and students' awareness of research ethics. At its ninth session, on 16 April 2015, the University of Ljubljana Research and Development Committee adopted the Framework programme of regularly briefing researchers on the University of Ljubljana’s values and ethical principles in research and the code of ethics of the professional or research field they are involved or train in.
The University of Ljubljana faculties and academies incorporate the Framework programme into their own work programmes, ensuring that researchers and teaching staff are briefed on the related ethical principles under this programme.
Publishing ethics
- COPE Guidelines on good publication practice
- LERU Advice Paper: Defining responsible and equitable authorship by a principle-based approach
- Responsible research publication: International standards for authors (Position Statement)
Research involving human subjects
- Guidance – Ethics in SSH (EU/Horizon Europe)
- Guidelines for ethical conduct involving people and instructions on how to prepare the application for an ethics assessment (UL)
Personal data
- General Data Protection Regulation
- Personal Data Protection Act (in Slovene only)
- Information Commissioner
- Personal data protection at UL
Research data
Research involving animals
- Directive EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
- Protection of animals in procedures
Medical research
- Helsinki Declaration (WHO)
- Oviedo Convention and its protocols (Council of Europe)
- Codes of medical ethics in Slovenia, other relevant international documents and Positions of the Committee of the Republic of Slovenia for Medical Ethics (in Slovene only)
Artificial Intelligence
- UL Recommendations on the use of AI (in Slovene only)
- EU Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI
Access and benefit-sharing, societal impact
- Nagoya Protocol
- The TRUST Code: A Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships
- Data equity – Equitable data governance
- Sustainable development at UL
Research integrity (in addition to UL and ALLEA codes referenced above)
- Singapore Statement on Research Integrity
- Montreal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaborations
- Cape Town Statement on Fostering Research Integrity Through the Promotion of Fairness, Equity, and Diversity
- Conflict of interest at UL (in Slovene only)
- Receiving gifts at UL (in Slovene only)
- Safe and respectful working environment: UL Rules on measures against violence, harassment and bullying; Zero-tolerance code of conduct: Counteracting gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, in the EU research and innovation system (EU); Trusted Persons at UL
- Equity and inclusion at UL