We support students at the University of Ljubljana in recognising their interests and strengths, exploring different opportunities to gain experience and align with their goals, and empowering them to pursue paths that they personally find meaningful.

We wish UL students to find a good job after graduation with confidence and ease. We provide personalised career guidance and information and organise a series of events to connect you with employers, as well as trainings to develop your career management and other skills that will serve you well in your studies and career.

All KC UL activities are free to UL students. We work across all faculties and academies at UL.

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Marina Gordejeva, Getty Images

Career opportunities

Find out about opportunities for students or regular jobs at various organisations cooperating with the Career Centre of the University of Ljubljana. The site and most of the descriptions are in Slovenian.


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UL Career Centres


Univerza v Ljubljani
Kongresni trg 12
1000 Ljubljana

Phone: + 1 2418 732
E-mail: kc@uni-lj.si

Contact details

Name and surname Job E-mail Phone
Maja Dizdarević Head of University Office for Students and Alumni, Assistant Secretary General maja.dizdarevic@uni-lj.si 01 2418 685
Jelena Ličanin Head of Unit Career centres jelena.licanin@uni-lj.si 01 2418 658
Andreja Jurček Career counsellor at FE, FMF, FPP, FRI, FS, AG, ALUO, AGRFT andreja.jurcek@uni-lj.si 030 641 644
Sabina Mikuletič Zalaznik Career counsellor at FSD, PEF, TEOF, FF sabina.zalaznik@uni-lj.si 030 706 722
mag. Klemen Marinčič Career counsellor at FFA, FKKT, MF, VF, ZF, PF klemen.marincic@uni-lj.si 030 641 657
mag. Tina Kozic Kolšek Career counsellor at a FA, FDV, FGG, FŠ, FU tina.kozickolsek@uni-lj.si 030 641 643
Pika Domenis POPR support, communication pika.domenis@uni-lj.si 01 2418 732
Nina Fricelj Career counsellor nina.fricelj@uni-lj.si 01 2418 501
Ana Rejec Career counsellor ana.rejec@uni-lj.si 01 2418 521
Milena Zorić Frantar Career counsellor at BF Milena.ZoricFrantar@bf.uni-lj.si 01 3203 041
Tina Premelč Career counsellor at NTF tina.premelc@ntf.uni-lj.si 01 2003 297
Jana Benedik Career counsellor at EF jana.benedik@ef.uni-lj.si 01 5892 854
Andreja Turman Career counsellor at EF andreja.turman@ef.uni-lj.si  01 5892 421
Špela Rozman Dolenc LUI - contact person for students and alumni interested in entrepreneurship Spela.Rozman-Dolenc@lui.uni-lj.si