

Date of publication:

Eutopia invites you to the Language Café event, where you can take part in virtual discussions on topical issues with students from different European universities. It is a great opportunity to get to know other cultures, make new friends and at the same time practise your language skills in French, Italian, Spanish or English.


Monday, 13 November at 17.00 - English and French

Tuesday 14 November at 13:00 - French and German

Wednesday 15 November at 17.00 - Italian and Spanish

Thursday 16 November at 13:00 - English and Spanish

All events will be held via the MS Teams app. The discussions will also be recorded and transcribed, but only for the research and pedagogical purposes of the project's textual analyses. By participating, you will contribute to the advancement of science. You can register using the form here.

The event is organised by the EUTOPIA Learning Community "Text and Discourse Analysis"Florian Klauser (florian.klauser@ff.uni-lj.si), Agnes Pisanski Peterlin, An Vande Casteele, Arvi Sepp, Carmen Perez, Katherine Astbury, Nataša Hirci.