

Date of publication:

The University of Warwick will host the Learning Communities meeting again in mid-December. All Learning Communities of the third group, currently in their last year of supported development, will meet.

From the University of Ljubljana we run two such learning communities, the Design + Science Summer School, led by Prof. Kende, and the Veganism Vs. Our teaching staff and students are also active as partners in other learning communities, such as Urban Education, Additive Manufacturing of Construction Materials, Nursing care in complex care situations.

Over the last five years, the group developing learning communities has learned a lot. They are now sharing their experience in the development of connected communities in the EUTOPIA MORE project. These bring together learning and teaching as well as transnational cooperation at research level. At the University of Ljubljana, we are committed to the continued existence and engagement of our staff and students in transnational learning and research and connected communities, as this brings valuable experience and enhances our international connectivity.

More information here