Programme (to be updated):

Local, seasonal and simple: planning meals tailored to students

Free cooking class for UL students

Tuesday, 23 April, and Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 5 pm–7 pm

Pokušina pod strehco, Zaloška cesta 42, 1000 Ljubljana 

How can we prepare simple but delicious meat-free meals with local and seasonal ingredients in advance? In the class led by Dalibor Novaković, the founder and manager of the Ljubljana street bistro Žmoht, students will obtain hands-on experience in preparing meals along with advice on how to prevent and reduce food waste, as well as other useful cooking tips. This will be followed by a tasting of all their culinary creations.

The aim of the class is to draw the students' attention to food waste while they spend time together cooking in a relaxed and fun atmosphere, as well as to the importance of thinking about the ingredients we include in our daily meals and their environmental footprint.

Registration is required. Sign up by Tuesday, 16 April 2024, using this link. Admission is free. Prior cooking skills are not required.

The charity organisation Zavod Pod Strehco has kindly agreed to let us use their premises for the class.


Science slam

Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 7 pm–8.30 pm.

Kino Bežigrad, Linhartova 11, 1000 Ljubljana

Researchers of the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Slovenian Agricultural Institute will present thematically varied research and achievements related to sustainability and food in an accessible and interesting manner. 

The event is organised in collaboration with the Science on the Street project, and will be hosted by the journalist Maja Ratej and comedian Aleš Novak.

Free tickets are available here.


[Alumniteka] Our planet on a plate: critical reflections on sustainable food systems

Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 7 pm–8.30 pm

Edvard, Igriška 5, 1000 Ljubljana 

How much can an individual contribute to sustainability? What is the broader mindset that can prevent or facilitate more sustainable choices? What is our attitude to food loss and waste? What are our eating habits? Do your eating habits have an impact on sustainability? How can we ensure food and fodder safety from a sustainable viewpoint?

This Alumniteka event will focus on sustainable food systems. We will discuss what frames social (in)activity in moving toward more sustainable choices, and talk about our attitudes to food and our eating habits. We will also touch upon the issue of food loss and waste.


Izr. prof. dr. Andreja Vezovnik, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana

Katja Sreš, Ekologi brez meja

Asist. dr. Renata Marčič, Faculty of Arts University of Ljubljana

Zaželena je predhodna prijava – na tej povezavi.

Live streaming will be available here

The Alumniteka events are a series of talks with UL alumni for UL alumni, students and staff, and anyone else interested in keeping up-to-date with current topics. They are held in collaboration with an individual UL faculty or academy. We also try also engage experts from various areas in these talks, so that we can look at a selected topic from various perspectives.


How to survive in a food jungle? Cooking up the menu of the future

Round-table discussion

Thursday, 25 April 2024, 11 am–12.30 am

Edvard, Igriška 5, 1000 Ljubljana 

How should we think about sustainable and healthy diets at a time of agrifood innovations, climate challenges and increasingly intense debates on alternative sources of food and alternative eating practices? 


Prof. Gregor Majdič, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Ljubljana, Rector

Prof. dr. Nataša Poklar Ulrih, Faculty of Biotechnology University of Ljubljana

Prof. Tanja Kamin, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana

Dr. Alen Albreht, Head of the Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry

Prof. dr. Barbara Koroušić Seljak, Institute »Jožef Stefan«

The round table will be moderated by Lea Udovč, STA.

Participation is free of charge, registration is required here.

Places are limited. The Round Table will be followed by a sustainability-themed banquet.

The event will be streamed live here.


What have we cooked up now? Seeking stable food systems in a world of limited resources and instability


Thursday, 25 April 2024, 1.30 pm–3 pm

Edvard, Igriška 5, 1000 Ljubljana

How can we ensure a stable and sustainable food chain from the field, farm and sea to the plate? We will talk about the environmental footprint of the food we eat, limitations to food production and processing, environmental policies and food safety with scholars and researchers.


Prof. dr. Katja Vintar Mally, Faculty of Arts University of Ljubljana

Izr. prof. dr. Luka Juvančič, Faculty of Biotechnology University of Ljubljana

Dr. Žiga Malek, Faculty of Biotechnology University of Ljubljana

Dr. Ana Oberlintner, Researcher, Department of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, Institute of Chemistry

Prof. dr. Nives Ogrinc, Institute»Jožef Stefan«

The round table will be moderated by Lea Udovč, STA.

Participation is free of charge, registration is required here. Places are limited.

Live streaming will be available here.


[Science Speaks event] Gathered around food: food at different stages of life

Round-table discussion

Thursday, 25 April 2024, 6 pm–7.15 pm 


Assoc. Prof. Andreja Vezovnik, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences

Assist. Prof. Primož Treven, University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty

Assist. Prof. Evgen Benedik, University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty 

Live stream here.

More information to come soon.