Call for research papers on technology transfer and IP at the 17. International Technology Transfer Conference (ITTC)

Institut Jožef Štefan
Date of publication:
Are you employed at a public research organisation and have an inventive and innovative idea or technology that you are looking to bring to the market? We invite you to submit research papers on the topics of technology transfer and intellectual property rights. Selected papers will be presented at the International Technology Transfer Conference (ITTC) on October 9th at the Jožef Stefan Institute.
- Self-evaluation of research organizations
- Open innovation
- Criteria for valuation of IP
- Establishing a strategy for the efficient management of intellectual assets
- Managing intellectual assets in joint research and innovation activities
- From intellectual assets creation to the market
- Key factors for successful technology transfer from different points of view (researchers, knowledge transfer experts, enterprises)
- The role of TTOs in maximizing impact of science, technology and innovation on society
- Examples of IP protection in Artificial Intelligence
- Other, chosen by the contributor
The received applications will be evaluated by the Scientific Review Programme Committee. The submission deadline is September 9, 2024. At the 17th International Technology Transfer Conference, you have the opportunity to present your idea to an expert audience and win a prize of 2,500 euros.
In September 2024, two preparatory workshops will be held, where experts for technology commercialization will provide assistance with development of your idea, pitch preparation and detailed information on the Conference prize and evaluation
criteria. Both preparatory workshops and practice presentations will be held in meeting room 104 located in the main building of the Jožef Stefan Institute (Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana). If interested participants are unable to attend the workshops at the Jožef Stefan Institute, they can opt to participate in a parallel Zoom session instead.
Registration for the workshop is required at least three days in advance via e-mail to (and cc: