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Reorganization of Social Work Centers Between Declared and Actual
How successful was the reorganization of Social Work Centers (SWC), implemented in 2018 by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities? The ministry, SWC employees, and users have different opinions. This was found in the doctoral dissertation "Evaluation of the Reorganization of Social Work Centers in the Republic of Slovenia from the Perspective of Selected Public Governance Models" by Dr. Matej Babšek from the Faculty of Public Administration at the University of Ljubljana. This exceptional work earned him the Mzia Mikeladze award, presented by the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) for outstanding doctoral dissertations in the field of public administration and public policies.
SMART ERA: SMART Community-led Transition for Europe's Rural Areas
Europe's rural areas are facing processes of depopulation, particularly of young people, which is leading to an ageing demographic profile. This is causing a number of structural problems, such as fewer jobs, deteriorating infrastructure and a shrinking supply of services of general interest. On the other hand, development of digital technologies and the increase in remote work have also led to a reverse trend of rural in-migration, which was most evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. These trends can be harnessed for rural growth through smart adaptation strategies, development of new integrated solutions, and the integration of local knowledge and cultural heritage.