Programme type




No. of ECTS credit points


About the programme

Master Study Programme Management in Administration 2nd Cycle offers students knowledge in administrative and legal field, field of economics, organisation, and information science, and management, and the field of human resources in administration, thus upgrading and expanding the knowledge and skills obtained in the first-cycle study.

The programme offers essential knowledge of management and organisational management, activity of public administration and European Union institutions. It expands knowledge in the field of implementing market criteria for public sector performance on the basis of policy and practice, analyses issues of budget financing and forms of privatisation, and compares them to various financing solutions in other market economies. The programme offers knowledge in the field of good governance and skills of strategic management. The students will master the service and customer orientation of administration with the support of knowledge and skills in the field of public relations. The study programme covers new management methods, including e-administration, and research tools that allows students independent critical study of phenomena related to management in public administration. It trains students for independent analysis and synthesis of conditions when searching for solutions for more demanding professional problems with the help of appropriate approaches and methods. For that reason, it includes a special course on methodology, whereas other courses are suitably orientated towards practical application. The knowledge upgrade allows an in-depth, independent solving of even scientific problems.

The acquired knowledge and skills compose a set of competencies that offers students the skills to manage the problems of organisation and conducting business in administration.
The acquired general and course-specific competencies help the students manage the most demanding projects and conducting the most demanding professional and managerial work in the public sector, in the first career class at the level of consultants, secretariats, secretary-general, chairmen and directors of services, directors and managers in public institutions and corporate entities, which cooperate with the public sector. The programme is designed as a basis for further third-cycle study in the field of administration, organisation, and business.