Developing competences on the Internet of Things through digital fabrication laboratories

The main project objectives include:
development of learning and teaching strategies and concept/guidelines for FabLabs mainly oriented to IoT related technologies like Blockchain and AI/Big Data,
development of didactic methods covering several target groups (University degree studies and general public),
development of learning material (blended learning including e-learning, face-to-face, workshops),
development of curriculum for training of design, manufacturing of prototypes using IoT, and AI/Big data technologies applied to industry or similar - organization of training activities for tutors, test of the learning material and tutorial during testing initiatives (courses), optimization of learning content for tutors, EduFabLab toolkit

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2021 - 2027)
Partnerships for Cooperation
Cooperation Partnerships
Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education

Project website


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UL (UL FS)


BIBA - Bremer Institut Fuer Produktion und Logostik GMBH [BIBA], Germany
Centro de Apoio Technologico a Industria Metalomecanica Associacao [CATIM], Portugal
Fundacion Publica Gallega Centro Technologico de Supercomputacion de Galacia [CESGA], Spain
T2I - Transferimento Technologico e Innovazione Scarl [T2I], Italy
Universidad de Vido [UVIGO], Spain

Project value

400.000,00 EUR

Value for UL

78.000,00 EUR

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UL (UL FS)

Person responsible


Information and communication technologies (ICT), development of training courses, digital skills and competences, Erasmus+