Developing physical education teacher academy to strengthen the quality and attractiveness of the physical education teaching profession for positive youth health outcomes

The main objective of the project is to facilitate radical change in physical education by developing sustainable and international collaboration between physical education (PE) and PE teacher education that results in equitable outcomes for pre-service and in-service teachers, and school children and youth.

The project will develop the pedagogy of PE teacher education by identifying, developing, and testing a set of signature pedagogies that can be used across PE teacher education in Europe and the rest of the world.
PhysEd-Academy will, therefore, directly address current challenges in the field of PE by improving four imperative quality factors: the purposes and content; school teaching; teacher education; and continuous professional development.PhysEd-Academy bo torej neposredno obravnavala trenutne izzive na področju telesne vzgoje z izboljšanjem štirih nujnih dejavnikov kakovosti: ciljev in vsebine, poučevanja v šolah, izobraževanja učiteljev in stalnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja.

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2021 - 2027)
Partnerships for Excellence
Erasmus+ Teacher Academies


Norges Idrettshogskole, Norway


University of Limerick, Ireland
Hacettepe Universitesi, Turkey
Gymnastik - OCH Idrottshogskolan, Sweden
Universidad De Oviedo, Spain
European Physical Education Association EUPEA, EU
Universite Du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Oslo Kommune, Norway
Jarfalla Kommun, Sweden
Ministry of National Education

Project value

1.500.000,00 EUR

Value for UL

138,836.78 EUR (EC funding + own contribution), 111,069.42 EUR (EC funding)

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Sport UL (UL FŠ)

Person responsible


International cooperation, Physical Education, Education Pedagogy, PhysEd-Academy, Erasmus+, Physical Education, Sustainable Physical Education, Teachers of Physical Education