Young researchers are doctoral students working in UL member institutions in research programmes. Their doctoral tuition fees are fully covered, and their employer provides them with the material resources they need to carry out their research.

Table for: Open calls to tender


Publish date





Publish date

4. 6. 2024


14. 6. 2024 at 13.00




Job application


Doctoral study

Conditions for application

  • up to 4 years after the completion of the second cycle programme (the year of completion is taken into account)
  • fulfilment of the conditions for election to the title of assistant professor or research assistant (an average mark of at least 8.00 in the second cycle programme and the final thesis, and other conditions in accordance with the habilitation criteria)
  • fulfilment of any other conditions in the job description
  • not yet completed a doctoral study
  • not yet employed as a young researcher

Conditions for employment

  • enrol in the 1st or 2nd year of a doctoral programme at UL in the academic year 2024/2025
  • habilitation title of assistant professor or research assistant professor
  • ARIS register of researchers on the date of recruitment
  • member of the same research programme as his/her supervisor on the date of recruitment
  • full-time employment at the UL (exceptions to part-time employment may be taken into account in accordance with the law governing employment relationships)
  • student status - throughout the period of employment

Frequently asked questions