During Assistant Professor Andrej Svete’s six-month research stay at the Swedish National Metrology Institute (RISE), researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Measurements in Process Engineering (LMPS), in collaboration with researchers from the National Laboratory for Pressure and Vacuum at RISE were the first to develop a method for correcting vibration effects in the dynamic calibration of pressure meters using a shock tube. The method is based on the predetermined frequency response of the pressure meter to the accelerations and simultaneous measurements of the vibration accelerations of the pressure meter during its calibration in the shock tube. The published results confirm that the developed method decreases the uncertainty of the obtained sensitivity and phase frequency responses of the pressure meters by few tens of percent and few tens of degrees, respectively.

Currently, work on the development of the primary measurement standard for time-varying pressure continues successfully within the framework of the research project J2-3054 (Advanced shock tube system for high-frequency primary dynamic pressure calibration), which is co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA). The project leader, Assistant Professor Andrej Svete, explained: “The final objective of the project is to develop a shock-tube based measurement standard that would enable dynamic calibrations of the pressure meters with an amplitude uncertainty at a level of 1% and a phase uncertainty of only a few degrees. Calibrating pressure meters with such accuracy would allow industry and science to make more accurate measurements of rapidly changing processes and therefore significantly improve their understanding.” He also added: “The significant improvement in the accuracy of the dynamic calibration of pressure meters with the newly developed method is certainly one of the most important steps towards the final goal of this project.”

The paper is freely available at the link:


Link to the project site:


  • ARIS (en)