Students for an open and creative society
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EUTOPIA’s Inclusion and Diversity Month highlighted a range of student-led projects funded by the Alliance, addressing contemporary issues of inclusion and exclusion with a solution-oriented approach.
This initiative forms a key part of EUTOPIA's broader commitment to inclusion as a core value. Rather than merely integrating disadvantaged groups into existing university structures, EUTOPIA aims to transform universities into spaces that are inherently inclusive and supportive of all their members.
The projects presented covered a wide range of topics, with several already delivering tangible outcomes. These include results being published in professional monographs, contributions to the development of new external elective courses for UL students, and integration into various action plans, strategies, and recommendations.
The following projects were presented:
- HeriQuest (supervised by Lana Nastja Anžur, UL FKKT)
- Spolno kazensko pravo in marginalizirane družbene skupine nekoč, danes in jutri / Sexual Criminal Law and Marginalised Social Groups of the Past, Present and Tomorrow (supervised by Assistant Vid Žepič, UL PF)
- Pomen enakosti spolov in inkluzivnega izobraževanja pri transformaciji v trajnostno družbo / The Importance of Gender Equality and Inclusive Education in the Transformation Towards a Sustainable Society (supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr Andrej Lukšič, UL FDV);
- Kulturna raznolikost na področju raziskovanja zvoka / Cultural Diversity in Researching Sound (supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr Vito Žuraj, UL AG);
- Destigmatizacija erektilne disfunkcije / Destigmatisation of Erectile Dysfunction (supervised by Assoc. Prof. Andrej Starc, UL ZF)
- Prepreke in mostovi: Raziskovanje enakih možnosti študentov in študentk iz tujine v slovenskem visokošolskem sistemu / Obstacles and Bridges: Exploring Equal Opportunities for International Students in the Slovenian Higher Education System (supervised by Assistant Kristina Rakinić, UL FDV);
- Študija primera raznolikosti osnovnošolcev in vključevanje v urbano izobraževanje / A Case Study on the Diversity of Primary School Pupils and Inclusion in Urban Education (supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr Helena Gabrijelčič Tomc, UL NTF);
- Denton (supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr Barbara Predan, UL ALUO);
- Science, Art & Community (supervised by Professor Tamara Trček Pečak, MA, UL ALUO).
Student projects play a crucial role in driving change within academia. What unites all these projects is their shared goal of transforming the university into a space for coexistence and open dialogue. It is particularly encouraging that many of these student initiatives will continue as part of extra-curricular activities.
Author: Arhiv UL
Author: Arhiv UL
Author: Arhiv UL
Author: Arhiv UL