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About the programme
Geodesy is, beside astronomy, the oldest science known to humanity. As science it aims at defining the Earth’s shape, it measures and represents the Earth’s surface, and deals with drawing maps, use of GIS technology, recording real estate and managing space. Geodesy is also the intersection point of surveying, cartographic and representational areas of knowledge. What they all have in common is the focus on the Earth’s surface, translated into coordinates, different data bases and documents, maps and multidimensional representations, which are important commodities for all those managing land, buildings and waters.
An engineer of geodesy is an expert with academic education, who masters measurements with surveying methods, using different measuring procedures that lean on various technologies. His or her basic task is collecting and processing data on land and geographic features. Surveyor’s task is also research work and discovering new procedures for recording spatial elements.
Graduate of the first cycle higher education study program Geodetic engineering and real estate management acquires the professional title: DIPLOMIRANI INŽENIR GEODEZIJE (VS) – BACHELOR OF GEODESY (HE).