Program type




No. of ECTS credit points


UL member

About the programme

Graduates of the second level master’s degree programme in Slovak Studies acquire the knowledge and intercultural linguistic competences that, according to international standards, correspond to the profile of a Slovak Studies graduate.
The programme builds on the first level programme in Slovak Studies as a fundamental starting point for the acquired competences and prepares students for complex, demanding, managerial and creative tasks and needs in the linguistic, textual, cultural, and intercultural fields.

The study programme provides graduates with the theoretical and professional foundations for the effective and systematic solution of concrete professional issues and introduces graduates to independent research. Graduates understand, speak, and write standard Slovak at C2 level. They understand language as a medium and a result of symbolic interaction, recognise its cognitive, emotional, creative, social, referential, and metalinguistic roles and use it accordingly. They master contemporary theories and theoretical models, critically evaluate them, and use them effectively with appropriate scientific tools. Graduates respond critically and competently to professional, scientific, and literary texts. They articulate their professional and general knowledge in an appropriate linguistic form; they can differentiate linguistically in both oral and written communication, considering different social contexts. They identify the specific features of the Slovak language, literature, culture, and history and compare them with the specific features of the Slovene language, literature, culture, and history. They can differentiate and communicate linguistic, literary, cultural, and historical phenomena, processes and (dis)continuities in a diachronic and synchronic perspective. They mediate between cultures and develop communication between them, knowing the linguistic, literary, cultural, and social differences and similarities between Slovene and Slovak and the Central European area.