Higher education resilience in refugee crises: forging social inclusion through capacity building, civic engagement and skills recognition

The AGILE project is designed to forge inclusive higher education systems that will be prepared to expand their mission in times of refugee crisis. In particular, the current Ukrainian crisis has produced a significant number of refugees right next to the EU borders. There are already European HEIs that have developed specific courses for refugees for more than ten years now (see Universite Paris 8, UH), but this is not yet a widespread practice in most European HEIs. In this challenging socio-political context, HEIs are called to assist refugee students by developing inclusive and sustainable learning curricula. To this end, we aim to implement activities to better understand and measure access, participation and completion rates of incoming refugee students. Additionally, we seek to monitor the recognition of civic engagement activities in their mainstream curriculum as well as valorize voluntary and community work in their university studies.

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2021 - 2027)
Partnerships for Cooperation
Cooperation Partnerships
Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education


Universite Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France


Politecnico di Torino (PoliTO), Italy

Project value

4.000.000,00 EUR

Value for UL

36.929,00 EUR

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Biotechnology UL (UL BF)

Person responsible


Refugees, integration, higher education, sustainable curriculum, refugee students, volunteering, Erasmus+