The overall objective of the HAPPY Project is to contribute to the enhancement of Gross National Happiness (GNH). GNH has been the most significant national priority for Bhutan since the 1980s, and it has evolved into the guiding purpose of Bhutan’s development. To increase GNH and support sustainable development and well-being, qualitative research data are needed to deepen the understanding of real life at each societal level.

The HAPPY Project enhances collaboration between higher education institutions in Europe and Bhutan and implements innovative qualitative research teaching and learning approaches in Social Sciences and Humanities. It aims to sensitize different stakeholders about the added value of qualitative methods, modernize existing higher education curricula and enhance the competencies of academics in qualitative teaching and research.
Projekt HAPPY krepi sodelovanje med visokošolskimi ustanovami v Evropi in Butanu ter uvaja inovativne pristope poučevanja in učenja na področju kvalitativnega raziskovanja v družboslovju in humanistiki. Osrednji cilj je osveščanje različnih deležnikov o dodani vrednosti kvalitativnih metod, posodobitev obstoječih visokošolskih učnih načrtov in izboljšanje kompetenc akademikov na področju kvalitativnega poučevanja in raziskovanja.

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2014 - 2020)
Capacity Building
Capacity Building in Higher Education

Project website


Stichting Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Nethlerlands


Royal Thimphu College (RTC), Butan,
College of Language and Culture Studies (CLCS), Butan,
Norbuling Rigter College (NRC), Butan,
Institute for Innovation and Development of the University of Ljubljana (IRI UL), Slovenia,
Universiteit Leidein (UniLeiden), Netherlands
Sherubtse College, Butan,
Royal University of Bhutan (Office of the Vice Chancellor), Butan

Project value

946.993 EUR

Value for UL

48.392 EUR

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Arts UL (UL FF)

Person responsible


HAPPY Project, Gross National Happiness, Qualitative Research, Collaboration Europe Bhutan, Innovative Teaching Approaches, Learning, University, Erasmus+