One of the project’s priorities is to enhance the learning capacities and wellbeing of primary school children (including low achievers, children with different learning abilities and barriers to learning, etc.). Children learn best through ‘active learning’ which involves all senses, not just listening and reading. Once children reach primary
school, they move into a system where passive listening and worksheets are the norm. This traditional teaching style works for some children, but it leaves behind many others who absorb knowledge and skills in a different manner. Outdoor learning through unstructured adventurous play provides the unique opportunity for experiential, active learning. It also meets the needs of all children by accommodating different learning styles, rendering the education more inclusive for all children.This project aims to meet that need by creating and offering a range of resources, delivering workshops, and by sharing best practices from partner countries in order to develop new skills, methods and practical know-how for teachers and other relevant stakeholders to facilitate learning and adventurous play outdoors.
Cilj projekta je izpolniti to potrebo z oblikovanjem in ponujanjem različnih virov, izvajanjem delavnic in izmenjavo najboljših praks iz partnerskih držav, z namenom razvoja novih spretnosti, metod in praktičnega znanja za učitelje in druge ustrezne zainteresirane strani za lažje učenje in pustolovsko igro na prostem.

Start date


Project status

In progress

Content tags

Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet


ERASMUS+ (2021 - 2027)
Partnerships for Cooperation
Cooperation Partnerships
Cooperation Partnerships in School Education


Katholieke Hogeschool VIVES ZUID, Belgium


Dublin City University, Ireland
VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium

Project value

393.631,00 EUR

Value for UL

60.586,00 EUR

Faculty, Academy/Rectorate UL

Faculty of Education UL (UL PEF)

Person responsible


New learning and teaching methods and approaches, Physical and mental health, well-being, Pedagogy and didactics