In order to be able to apply for a permit, bring additional documentation or pick up a permit, you must make an appointment. The Administrative Unit will anticipate that you have all the necessary paperwork on hand, have completed the application form, and intend to submit the required paperwork for your residence permit that same day. If you come with complete documentation and a filled-in form, it will significantly speed up the process.

Step 1: Go to eSamonaročanje Webpage

Step 2: Choose your nearest Administrative Unit

If you live and study in Ljubljana, you need to choose "UE Ljubljana- Tobačna". If you live in other city, please find information on how to book and appointment in this city. 

Step 3: Choose administrative procedure

Type "študij" and choose this first option, if you are a NON-EU student.

If you are an EU & EEA student, type "EGP" and choose this option:

If you want to make an appoinment for picking up your residence permit, choose this option:

Step 4: Find the date

Click on "Dodaj postopek na seznam".

Then, click on "Prikaži proste termine" to find first possible date. 

Step 5: First possible date

You will see which is the first free appointment. If the date suits you, but not the time, you can click on "Ostali prosti termini" and choose different time for that same day.

If the date does not suit you, you can click on "Datum obiska" and choose first date that suits you and that is available.

When you select the date in the calendar, you should click on "Prikaži proste termine"  and you will get new option. If you want to change time for this date, you can again click on "Ostali prosti termini"

When the date and time suits you, click on "Rezervacija".

Step 6: Contact information

Write your contact details. Make sure they are correct!

The mobile phone number ("Mobilna telefonska številka") needs to be Slovenian. If you want to get a reminder one day before your appointment on your email, you must leave "Pošlji opomnik pred terminom" checked. 

Step 7: Confirm reservation on your email!

This step is very important! Go to your email (one that you gave as contact information on reservation) and immediately CONFIRM your reservation- click on link next to  "Potrditev rezervacije". If you don't do that in 120 minutes, your reservation will not be vaild
After that, you will have your appointment where you will be able to submit the documentation for the residence permit.

After confirmation, you will get another email. This email is the only if you want to make some changes or you want to cancel your appointment. If you do not want, then you can skip this step

If you want to change your appointment, click on the link next to "Rezervacijo lahko spremenite na povezavi"

If you cannot come to the booked appointment, please cancel it- click on the link next to "odpoveste na povezavi":


Address where you submit documents:
Administrative Unit Ljubljana
Tobačna 5
1000 Ljubljana
Entrance: waiting room F (entrance from parking)

Our international student ambassadors are also here to help you and explain a process in more detail. Also, during the preparation of the documentation, you can contact the contact persons at your faculty or academy, if you encounter any problem.