Programme type




No. of ECTS credit points


Programme provider

Scientific title

doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (abbreviation: dr.)

in English language: Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviation: Ph.D.)

About the programme

The doctoral programme in Architecture is organised and implemented by the UL Faculty of Architecture with the participation of some renowned experts from abroad. The main aim of the programme is to enable the doctoral student to gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical and methodological concepts derived from architecture as a science and art, to be able to develop new knowledge in architecture and to acquire the ability to transfer research achievements into the practice of architectural activity. The programme enables students to engage in various forms of international cooperation.

How to apply

The Call for enrolment for doctoral programmes in the academic year 2025/2026 will be published presumably in February or March 2025.

For the call for enrolment, candidates have to apply on the eVŠ online portal.

At the latest at the time of enrolment, the candidate must submit a written agreement from the mentor or possible co-mentor to accept the mentoring or co-mentoring. At the same time, the candidate must also submit a brief conceptual outline of the research.

Information day

Candidates can find all the information and instructions on the Faculty's website.

Programme coordinator

prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič


    Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Zoisova cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana