Program type




No. of ECTS credit points


About the programme

The culture of the 21st century is an incredibly complex mixture of diverse values, lifestyles, digital platforms, popular-cultural content, religions, aesthetics, consumer preferences, and strategies for attracting attention on social media platforms. The Cultural Studies programme connects all these phenomena to diverse frameworks of cultural research and thus allows students to understand and analyse contemporary cultural landscapes. It also broadens intellectual horizons, encourages critical thinking and creativity, and instructs on various interdisciplinary research techniques.
The Cultural Studies programme has a large proportion of elective courses, several of which include practical activities. The programme is meant for intellectually curious minds as well as for all those who are interested in thinking outside of established patterns. The courses address highly diverse academic fields such as multiculturalism, studies of sexuality, film studies, contemporary literature, cognitive studies of music, Balkan studies etc.
Masters in Cultural Studies are, thanks to their analytical skills and understanding of cultural processes, qualified to work independently at various institutions and enterprises that are directly or indirectly related to culture. These include various sectors of the creative and media industries (film and television production, social media, design agencies, cultural and lifestyle editorial offices etc.), cultural institutions (theatres, galleries, cinemas, clubs etc.), tourism agencies, offices and institutions of cultural policy (Ministry of Culture, European institutions, UNESCO, etc.), and institutions dealing with the communication of symbols in general (marketing, intercultural management, etc.).