Program type




No. of ECTS credit points


About the programme

This study programme provides a broad range of social science knowledge with an emphasis on human resource management, and focuses on understanding the relationship between modern human resource management practices and policies, and broader organisations and society. Students develop knowledge in basic social science disciplines, with an emphasis on a broader sociological understanding of society and modern social change. Building on this, the programme provides specific skills that enable graduates to successfully work and plan human resource policies, recruitment, job analysis, supervision of education and knowledge management, the promotion and career development of employees, the creation of evaluation and reward systems, and the regulation of management-employee relations. We use interactive and problem-based approaches combined with direct collaboration with companies and guest lecturers.

Thanks to the acquisition of basic sociological knowledge (both theoretical and applied) combined with expertise in human resources, organisational, managerial, legal and other areas, the career of a graduate is open to analytical, professional, consultation, and managerial work in the field of human resources organisation in companies, societies, public institutions, state administrations, international institutions, and other organisations. And, thanks to its interdisciplinarity, this programme can lead to work in other areas according to the orientation of the student.