Elective courses in the field of artificial intelligence

The Faculty of Computer and Information Science will offer two elective courses in the field of artificial intelligence for doctoral students in the academic year 2024/2025.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Discord link for student questions and course organizer announcements

ChatGPT for Researchers
Discord link for student questions and course organizer announcements

The courses are intended for doctoral students who are not enrolled at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana or have not taken courses in this field.

Your Career Path

In the environment in which you are building your scientific experience, you may find yourself alone in your thinking and pathfinding. It is therefore crucial to find a network of individuals who can support you in further developing your career. In this way, the path to acquiring the skills and knowledge you need is much easier and faster than if you are on your own.

The UL Career Centres, in cooperation with the UL Doctoral School, have developed a range of activities to help you become more effective in your academic, personal and professional life. Take this opportunity to plan your career path now.

You are welcome to join us for activities aimed at both doctoral students and final year students who are considering a doctoral study or those who are interested in specific topics. The career path for doctoral students and postgraduates will give you the opportunity to strengthen your communication and scientific writing skills, your presentation skills, your personal skills and your collaboration with others. 

We invite you to embark on a career path for doctoral students, where you will be able to strengthen your communication and scientific writing skills, your presentation skills, your personal skills and your collaboration with others. Join us for activities aimed at doctoral students, final year students considering a doctoral study or those interested in this type of subject. Register in POPR.

SMUL Panel - I have my PhD, now what? - 25 September 2023

Getting ready for the academic job market: Things I wish I knew after my PhD

EURAXESS Mentoring Program and EURAXESS Career Development tools and materials

The University of Ljubljana organized a webinar in cooperation with the EURAXESS network about an online mentoring program. More information.