The University of Ljubljana has adopted this Code of Ethics in order to lay the foundation for ethical conduct for educators, researchers and doctoral students in their encounters with ethical issues in academic and research work. All decisions taken by them in the context of their academic and research work (irrespective of the source of funding) must first comply with the UL ethical principles adopted in the UL Code of Ethics as well as in this Code of Ethics for Researchers of the UL and the Code of Ethics for Researchers in the EU.

Each individual shall act responsibly, identify possible ethical issues and gain instructions from his superiors (a mentor, a research project supervisor, the chair or vice dean for research work) or acceptance from the ethics committee of their faculty (regularly appointed body or ad hoc). The Code of Ethics for researchers at the UL discusses general ethical issues, which arise in all research activities. Each researcher shall abide by the ethical standards compliant with his specific field of research (e.g. medicine, social work, sociological studies, animal testing work, …).

The University has also committed itself to raising the researchers' and students' awareness of research ethics. At its ninth session of 16 April 2015, the University of Ljubljana Research and Development Committee adopted the Framework programme of regularly briefing researchers on the University of Ljubljana’s values and ethical principles in research and the code of ethics of the professional or research field they are involved or train in. 

The University of Ljubljana faculties and academies incorporate the Framework programme into their own work programmes, ensuring that researchers and teaching staff are briefed on the related ethical principles under this programme.