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  • Digital nomads

    Digital Nomads Reveal the Future of Work: What Do Their Stories on Reddit Tell Us?

    The way we work has changed significantly in recent years, and in the coming years, it will become even more digital, mobile, and tailored to individuals. Digital nomads play a crucial role in this transformation. What drives them to choose this lifestyle, how do they shape their careers, and in what ways do they build their networks? Answers to these questions are provided by a study, which included Professor Dr. Matej Černe from the School of Economics and Business at the University of Ljubljana, analyzing over 66,000 discussions on the Reddit forum Digital Nomad.

  • Lynx

    Life of lynx across Europe: insights from continental-scale research

    Eurasian lynx are adaptable apex predators that can survive in a large variety of habitats – from Arctic tundra to Mediterranean forests. But only if people allow them. This was the focus of new continental-scale research co-led by researchers from the University of Ljubljana. Two studies published these days provide new insights into lynx foraging behaviour and mortality patterns.

  • Energy infrastructure

    How nanoparticles for fuel cell applications continuously change

    Proton exchange membrane fuel cells use hydrogen as a fuel and are one possible alternative to internal combustion engines that run on fossil fuels. The wider deployment of fuel cells, and thus the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is hampered by their cost. They require the expensive and scarce metal platinum to operate efficiently.

  •  train driver

    Interreg Project T4RAIL IT-SI for More Efficient Information Transfer in Railway Transport

    Europe is striving to shift as much freight as possible from overcrowded roads to rail transport. Efficient information transfer among stakeholders is key to achieving this goal, which is the central focus of the T4RAIL IT-SI project. The project involves the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport at the University of Ljubljana.

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    5th EUTOPIA MORE workshop: Preparation of a MSCA project proposal

    The University of Ljubljana organises various activities, events and workshops on topical issues within the framework of EUTOPIA, the Alliance of ten European universities, and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans.

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    EUTOPIA_HEALTH introduces new tools to facilitate mobility and networking of researchers

    Under EUTOPIA_HEALTH project, a Health Research Map and a Mobility Portal have been created to help researchers find new links and plan mobility.

  • artificial intelligence

    With Artificial Intelligence Towards Better Research in Digital Humanities

    The Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana (UL FRI) has been successful in the Horizon Europe research and innovation program. It has secured €2.5 million for a five-year ERA Chair project – Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities (AI4DH). As part of the project, an interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence in Digital Humanities will be established.

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    Membership of Slovenia in the European Space Agency creates new opportunities for UL

    On 1 January 2025, Slovenia became a full member of the European Space Agency (ESA), providing additional opportunities for various stakeholders, including the University of Ljubljana, to develop and innovate.

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    EUTOPIA_HEALTH training workshop: Impact and science communication

    The University of Ljubljana organised a two-day on-site training workshop on impact and science communication for researchers and other non-academic staff as part of the EUTOPIA_HEALTH project. The aim of the workshop was to provide participants with tools to achieve a better and more sustainable impact of research and projects on society and industry, and to to improve the clarity and effectiveness of communication of research results to the public, business and policy makers.

  • Green transition

    Greentech: Hybrid Technologies for Factories of the Future and the Green Transition

    A reduction of CO2 emissions by 17 million tons, energy savings of nearly 9 billion kWh, and a decrease in material consumption by approximately 800,000 tons over ten years. These are the expected outcomes of the groundbreaking Greentech program, which brings together 11 partners from academia and industry. The program is led by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana.

  • Beach in Strunjan

    Sunbathing under cliffs is dangerous!

    Why is the walking path between Piran and Fiesa often closed? Why have new rocks appeared in the sea? Why are there piles of stones along the coast? Why are warning signs placed in Strunjan Landscape Park and Debeli rtič? The answer lies in the composition of Slovenia's steep coastal cliffs.

  • Pinnacle Dessert in Australia

    Was Australia Wetter Than Slovenia?

    The world-renowned tall limestone pinnacles in the Pinnacle Desert, located in Australia’s Nambung National Park, are approximately 100,000 years old. At that time, Australia was even wetter than Slovenia. This surprising finding was discovered by scientists using an innovative method, including Prof. Dr. Andrej Šmuc and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Šoster from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, and Dr. Matej Lipar and Dr. Mateja Ferk from the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU).

  • Pupils

    Slovenian primary school students without mandatory computer science in the digital age

    Slovenian primary school students achieve below-average results in creative thinking compared to their peers from other countries. Although their achievements in mathematics and science are above average, a noticeable gap exists in reading literacy. Girls perform as well as boys in mathematics, slightly better in science, and significantly better in reading.

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    Lecture by Nobel prize laureate Prof. Dr Anton Zeilinger at the UL Faculty of mathematics and physics

    The Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Dr Anton Zeilinger visited the Quantum Optics and Quantum Foundations Laboratory at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana (UL FMF), where he delivered a lecture entitled Quantum Entanglement, Fundamentals and Experiments.

  • Water drop

    A completely new concept for harnessing waste heat and solar energy

    Researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Primož Poredoš, in collaboration with researchers from the ITEWA Innovation Team at Shanghai University, have developed a new concept for utilizing ultra-low temperature (waste) heat by simultaneously introducing solar energy and low-temperature heat into the system. They are the first in the world to present an entirely new concept for producing distilled water from saline, untreated water using thermally driven membrane distillation (MD).

  • Food

    Biotechnical Faculty UL Secures up to 2.5 Million in European Funding for the ERA Chair - Foodomics Project

    The Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana (UL BF) has successfully obtained 2.5 million euros through the Horizon Europe research and innovation program for the ERA Chair project titled "Chair of Metabolomics in Food and Nutrition (Foodomics)." This project will establish a new interdisciplinary Center for Metabolomics.

  • Migrant workers

    In Slovenia, the majority of employees from third countries have vocational or secondary education

    In Bulgaria and Slovenia, 80% of companies employed workers from third countries, while in Croatia and Slovakia, two-thirds of companies did so, and in Hungary only one-third. The most educated foreign workers were employed by companies in Bulgaria and Hungary, where over 40% of foreign workers held a university degree. On the other hand, three-quarters of foreign employees in Croatian companies had only primary or vocational education, while in Slovenia and Slovakia, this figure was around 60%.

  • JoyMVPA

    SLOfit research team receives a 2024 European Innovative Teaching Award

    In September the SLOfit research team at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Sport received a 2024 European Innovative Teaching Award, together with the University of Tartu, the University of Vilnius and Vytautas Magnus University, for their Enjoyable MVPA Erasmus+ project.

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    Start of the UNI.MINDS science and innovation festival

    The fifth UNI.MINDS Festival is taking place as part of Science Month. Its aim is to promote innovation and partnership between academia and business in Slovenia and the wider region. During the festival, which takes place from 14 to 22 October, faculties and enterprises will open their doors to the public, present their groundbreaking innovations, and outline the opportunities that exist for bringing universities and business together. The festival will conclude with the presentation of the Rector’s Award for Best Innovation at the University of Ljubljana by Rector Gregor Majdič.

  • Cavitation

    Questioning the standardized cavitation erosion test

    Mechanical engineers often rely on standardized procedures when testing materials. Since the standardized cavitation erosion test ASTM G32 has repeatedly been shown to be inaccurate in the past, researchers at the Laboratory for Water and Turbine Machines (LVTS) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, have closely examined it and uncovered its shortcomings.