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EUTOPIA Impact School for doctoral and postdoctoral candidates
EUTOPIA Impact School will be held from between 9 and 13 September 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Each EUTOPIA partner university will select up to 3 doctoral or postdoctoral candidates.
Harnessing the low temperatures of space to cool buildings and equipment in remote locations in an environmentally friendly way
Doc. dr. Professor Primož Poredoš, in collaboration with colleagues from the Laboratory for Environmental Technologies in Buildings at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UL, and researchers from the ITEWA innovation team at Shanghai University, has developed a concentrator based on the AsymSkyCool method that enables cooling of buildings and appliances without the use of electricity. The concentrator takes advantage of the 'cold of space' – the extremely low temperatures of deep space, which can be as low as minus 15°C compared to the surrounding environment – and uses a special method to concentrate it and direct it towards a heat source. Using space as a cooling source enables environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable cooling of devices that consume large amounts of electricity, such as LED lights, batteries and electric motors.
BF UL recipient of the MSCA Doctoral Network Project
The Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana is the recipient of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network Project. The Department of Agronomy at BF UL will coordinate the project titled ViroiDoc - Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Sustainable Agriculture, worth 2.5 million euros, over the next four years. The project is led by Prof. Nataša Štajner, Asist. Prof. Sabina Berne and Prof. Jernej Jakše.
Important breakthrough in quantum physics by Prof. Dr. Tomaž Prosen and a Google Lab Team
Professor Tomaž Prosen, a mathematical physicist from the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UL FMF), has published, in collaboration with Google’s Quantum AI laboratory, an article entitled “Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain” in prestigious scientific journal Science. The article presents breakthrough findings in the theory of quantum transport phenomena.
Workshop on Innovation and Technology Transfer at University of Ljubljana
The University of Ljubljana organises various activities, events and workshops on topical issues within the framework of EUTOPIA More, The European Association of Universities, and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans. On 4 and 5 April 2024, the third workshop on innovation and technology transfer took place at the University of Ljubljana, in the framework of the European Association of Universities Eutopia More and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans.
How do wild animals react to human presence in their environment?
Understanding how animals respond to people is becoming increasingly important in the face of growing disturbances such as tourism, recreation, driving in natural environment and the exploitation of natural resources. To this end, researchers from around the world have pooled their data to find out how wild animals respond to people in their environments. The results showed considerable differences among different species, with large carnivores proving to be the most sensitive to humans. Part of the research was also carried out in Slovenia, where researchers from the University of Ljubljana’s Biotechnical Faculty and the Slovenia Forest Service observed the strongest response in brown bears. The researchers hope that the new knowledge will facilitate coexistence between humans and animals, and enable more effective mitigation of the negative impact of recreation and other human activities in nature.
Become a member of EUTOPIA Alliance’s Young Leaders Academy Programme
As a member of the EUTOPIA alliance, University of Ljubljana is inviting post-doctoral researchers to apply for the Young Leaders Academy programme (YLA). The purpose of the YLA call is to support research exchanges between high-potential, early to mid-career researchers from all EUTOPIA partner universities and support their career development.
Kyle Broder is the recipient of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship at UL FMF
Dr. Kyle Broder, a researcher from the University of Brisbane in Australia, has been awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship. As part of this fellowship, he will conduct research on the curvature aspects of rigidity and flexibility of complex manifolds at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, under the mentorship of professor Franc Forstnerič.
Duckiebots – autonomous driving robot cars in a small-scale city Model
Autonomous driving robots, equiped with camera and sensors have become reality. Meet Duckiebots, which are the result of the reasearch of doc. dr. Octavian Machidon from the Faculty of Computer and Information Science (FRI).
A new discovery important for research and treatment of dementia and ALS
Slovenian researchers led by Prof. Dr Boris Rogelj from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Ljubljana, and the Department of Biotechnology, Jožef Stefan Institute, have discovered new mechanisms associated with a mutation in the C9orf72 gene. This research is important because it further reveals the causes of two diseases – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) - and, as a consequence, increases the potential for developing new treatments for these two diseases.
SSHA Impact Fund is launched
The Pilot Call for Increasing the Impact of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) Research on the University of Ljubljana Society - SSHA Fund opens on 1 March.
Doc. dr. Jaka Tušek from UL FS recieves ERC funding to support his research on elastocaloric technology
Dr. Jaka Tušek, Assistant Professor at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UL FS), and his research team are developing elastocaloric cooling and heating technology. The ground-breaking research carried out under the ERC Starting Grant (StG) as part of the SUPERCOOL project has been rewarded with a successful application for an ERC Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Grant with the E-CO-HEAT project, providing support for the innovation potential of research achievements. This makes Tušek the sixth ERC researcher in Slovenia, and the second at UL FS, to receive additional support to develop the innovative potential of his research. The E-CO-HEAT project will be based on the elastocaloric device developed in the SUPERCOOL project, which was the first in the world to demonstrate sustained dynamic performance and record-breaking cooling and heating characteristics, and whose specific characteristics exceed all caloric cooling devices built to date. The ERC PoC funding will enable the technology to be further developed and, together with the relevant business strategy and intellectual property, to be transferred into everyday use.
Researchers from UL unexpectedly discovered new way of foraging by spotted hyenas in Africa
Spotted hyenas are the second largest species of large carnivore in Africa. Most people know them as scavengers, but they are in fact also successful hunters of antelope, zebra and other African ungulates. Little is known about their feeding on smaller prey. In Namibia, researchers from the University of Ljubljana have discovered an unusual and hitherto unknown way of feeding the local hyenas - on songbirds.
Dr. Uroš Seljak Prize of 10.000 USD: submissions for the best scientific publication by students until April 15
The call for applications for the Dr Uroš Seljak Award 2024 is now open. Each year, cosmologist Dr Uroš Seljak supports the best scientific publications by Slovenian students in a one-off amount of USD 10,000, with the aim of encouraging and supporting scientific publications by students in first- and second-level study programmes in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as to promote mentoring of students. The deadline for applications is April 15 2024.
International Conference on Communicating the Climate Crisis and Extreme Weather Events: call for papers
On 10 and 11 October, the University of Ljubljana will host the 2nd International Conference on Communicating Science, this time on communicating the climate crisis and extreme weather events. Organised by the University of Ljubljana, the online magazine Alternator and the Museums and Galleries of Ljubljana, the conference brings together experts in the practice, research, training or education of science communication (and related fields). The conference organisers are inviting submissions of papers related to the conference theme (the call for papers and the list of topics are available in the attachment).
Despite numerous cases, familial Hypercholesterolaemia is still insufficiently recognised and treated
Familial hypercholesterolaemia, an inherited disorder accompanied by increased levels of LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol and a greater susceptibility to the early onset of cardiovascular diseases, is still insufficiently recognised and treated, despite the high number of cases. This has been shown in the cross-sectional study ‘Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and adolescents from 48 countries: a cross-sectional study’, which involved the participation of researchers from the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Nina Vesel recieved prestigious EMBO Postdostoral Fellowship
Dr Nina Vesel of the University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty is the recipient of a prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship from EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization), aimed at supporting the mobility of postdoctoral researchers in Europe and around the world. This is a major success both for the researcher and for the UL Biotechnical Faculty, which succeeded in attracting back this outstanding researcher.
Use of ship technology for self-maintenance of saltpan cottages
Ship technology could offer a solution for the saltpan cottages which are falling inexorably into ruin in the area of the Sečovlje saltpans. This has been determined by students of various University of Ljubljana faculties under the mentorship of Senior Lecturer Mag. Valter Suban of the University’s Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport. They were aware of the problem of degradation in the area of the Sečovlje saltpans, so they were looking for a way for the saltpan cottages to be reconstructed and changed into sustainable self-maintaining projects.
SMART ERA: SMART Community-led Transition for Europe's Rural Areas
Europe's rural areas are facing processes of depopulation, particularly of young people, which is leading to an ageing demographic profile. This is causing a number of structural problems, such as fewer jobs, deteriorating infrastructure and a shrinking supply of services of general interest. On the other hand, development of digital technologies and the increase in remote work have also led to a reverse trend of rural in-migration, which was most evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. These trends can be harnessed for rural growth through smart adaptation strategies, development of new integrated solutions, and the integration of local knowledge and cultural heritage.
How successful was psychology in policy-making during the pandemic?
The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound effect on people's daily lives. Decision-makers had to make decisions and implement measures to curb the spread of the virus, which impacted many. Because similar situations are likely to occur again in the future, it is important to explore how psychology can help develop more efficient measures to curb the pandemic. This was the focus of the study, published in thejournal Nature and conducted by researchers from over 30 countries, including Dr Žan Lep from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.