At the University of Ljubljana, students can acquire the status of a student with special needs or a special status.

About the status

Students who have long-term impairments, disorders, deficits or illnesses may be granted the status of a student with special needs in the academic process at UL. Students who have significant achievements in sports, arts and culture and in international competitions, as well as student parents up to the start of compulsory schooling for children, can be granted special status in the study process at UL.

This status offers you support and various adjustments to help you complete your studies and overcome obstacles. On the subpages you will find useful information about obtaining and type of status, support persons, training, etc.


Possible adaptations

Students are offered a range of adjustments depending on the nature of the obstacles they face in their studies.

Examples of adaptations

Environment, architectural accessibility: adapted desk, ramp, etc.

Communication accessibility: use of an induction loop

Adaptations to teaching and the study process (tutorials, seminars, practical training, field work, laboratory work):

  • use of special equipment and aids,
  • reduction of compulsory attendance and excused absences for study commitments in consultation with the institution (course leader),
  • adapted modalities for the fulfilment of obligations: Attendance, making up assignments, pair work, etc,
  • adjustments to the format and type of submission of written work,
  • the presence of an assistant - reader, note-taker, interpreter

Adjustments to the way knowledge is tested and evaluated:

  • Adjusted deadlines for the fulfilment of obligations,
  • Possibility of extraordinary examination periods,
  • Partial examinations,
  • Extension of the examination period,
  • Examination with the help of adapted equipment/assistants,
  • Adaptation of the examination material,
  • oral examination.

Adaptation of study materials:

  • adapted accessibility of materials (Word instead of pdf ...),
  • longer loan periods in the library,
  • Lending of materials that are only available in the reading room (conversion of materials).

Student status: application for extension of student status.

Contact persons at the faculties and academies of the University of Ljubljana

Faculty or Academy Contact person Field of work Contact
Academy of Music izr. prof. Miha Rogina 01/242 27 304,
Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television prof. dr. Tomaž Toporišič 01/251 04  12,
Alenka Burger 01/251 04  12,
Academy of Fine Arts and Design izr. prof. mag. Tamara Trček Pečak 01/421 25 00 ali 041 478 404, 
doc. mag. Jurij Smole         01/421 25 00,
Biotechnical Faculty Milena Zorić Frantar 01 320 30 41,
School of Economics and Business Andreja Turman 01/589 24 21,
Faculty of Arhitecture Lara Slivnik 01/200 07 57,
Mojca Rozman 01/ 200 07 82,
Faculty of Social Sciences
Mateja Zorko Stopar Contact person for status of students with special needs and special status of parent students 01/5805-129,
Petra Miklavčič Contact person for special status of categorised athlete/trainer and special status of recognised artist/creative professional student 01/5805-128,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering prof. dr. Andrej Košir 01/4768 354,
Faculty of Pharmacy Teja Pečnik 01/ 47 69 553,
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering doc. dr. Klemen Kozmus Trajkovski 01/4768 651,
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology dr. Maja Belavič 01/4798-403,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics mag. Bernarda Golob-Hribar 01/4766-508,
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Robert Brsa 05/6767110,
Faculty of Computer and Information Science doc. dr. Aljaž Zalar 01/4798-254,
Faculty of Social Work Alenka Majer 01/300 62 36,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Valentina Hajdinjak 01 47 71 146,
Faculty of Sport prof. dr. Tanja Kajtna 01/ 520 77 00,
mag.  Maja Ušeničnik Podgoršek 01/ 520 77 00,
Faculty of Public Administration doc. dr. Mitja Durnik 01/5805582,
Nataša Svržnjak
Faculty of Arts Marija Šuštar-Tabaković 01/241 10 34,
Faculty of Medicine Maruša Vukelić 01/543 78 19,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Tina Premelč 01/200 32 97,
Faculty of Education doc. dr. Milena Košak Babuder 01 5892 329,
Vesna Štemberger 01 5892 359,
Faculty of Law Branko Perhaj 01/420 32 26,
Faculty of Theology asist. dr. Borut Pohar, 01 434 58 38,
Veterinary Faculty izr. prof. dr. Valentina Kubale Dvojmoč 01/477 9120,
Faculty of Health Sciences pred. Nina Hiti 01/300 11 79,

Other organisations and sources of support

In addition to support from UL, other organisations are also a source of help. Links can be found on the pages Students with special needs and Students with special status.