Programme type




No. of ECTS credit points


Scientific title

doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (abbreviation: dr.)

in English language: Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviation: Ph.D.)

About the programme

The textiles, graphics and paper industries in developed economies face significant development challenges, as their future depends mainly on the development of high value-added products. The development of new technologies for the production of high quality products is linked to the appropriate knowledge and top-quality skills of professional staff. The main objectives of the Textiles, Graphics and Textile Design doctoral programme are to train doctoral students who are capable of a fundamental understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts and who are able to independently develop new knowledge in the fields of textiles, graphic and interactive communications and textile design theory.

How to apply

For the call for enrolment, candidates have to apply on the eVŠ online portal.

At the latest at the time of enrolment, the candidate must submit a written agreement from the mentor or possible co-mentor to accept the mentoring or co-mentoring. At the same time, the candidate must also submit a brief conceptual outline of the research.


1 Septembre 2024, 23:59 CET

In the event of vacancies remaining after the first application period, a second application period will be open from 19 to 20 September 2024, 23:59 CET.

Information day

The information day is planned to be held in June. Candidates can find all the information and instructions on the Faculty's website.


Tuition fees by year:

€ 4,200 for the 1st year
€ 4,200 for the 2nd year
€ 4,200 for the 3rd year
€ 4,200 for the 4th year

That is € 16,800 for the whole study programme.

Programme coordinator

prof. dr. Barbara Simončič


Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Snežniška ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana