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  • Domino with picture of people on it

    Reorganization of Social Work Centers Between Declared and Actual

    How successful was the reorganization of Social Work Centers (SWC), implemented in 2018 by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities? The ministry, SWC employees, and users have different opinions. This was found in the doctoral dissertation "Evaluation of the Reorganization of Social Work Centers in the Republic of Slovenia from the Perspective of Selected Public Governance Models" by Dr. Matej Babšek from the Faculty of Public Administration at the University of Ljubljana. This exceptional work earned him the Mzia Mikeladze award, presented by the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) for outstanding doctoral dissertations in the field of public administration and public policies.

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    A new generation of students from Ukraine successfully completes a course in Slovene at UL

    Students at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, from the Slavic Studies department, offered free help in the form of Slovenian language lessons, socialising, support and getting to know life in Ljubljana. The students who taught Slovenian were coordinated by Urša Glušič and Jure Miholič.

  • Research

    New Ways of "Recognizing" Biological Molecules

    For the normal course of all life processes, the cooperation of multiple biomolecules is required, such as various proteins, DNA molecules, etc. It is crucial that specific molecules form mutual 'contacts' to execute a particular biological process. But how do different molecules "know" which ones should meet?

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    Dr. Matej Babšek receives the NISPAcee Mzia Mikeladze Award for his PhD thesis

    Research Assistant Dr. Matej Babšek is the recipient of the 2024 NISPAcee Mzia Mikeladze Award, which he received at the recent NISPAcee Annual Conference held in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 23 to 25 May 2024.

  • EUTOPIA Review

    The publication EUTOPIA Review is a meeting point of ideas, a platform that gives space to different voices and schools of thought, as well as a forum for interdisciplinary scientific discussions. The publication contains the papers of the most promising researchers in the EUTOPIA Alliance, and the honor of writing the first chapter of the first edition belonged to Slovenian scientist and Nobel lavreate, prof. dr. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj. She wrote about the role of the city in reducing global pressures on the environment.

  • Salt pan

    LANDLABS - Landscape Laboratories: Design Strategies for Sustainable and Beautiful Landscapes of the Anthropocene

    How can landfills, mining areas or transportation infrastructure corridors that are part of our urban landscape be transformed into sustainable and beautiful places? How can we create a coexistence between humans, animals, plants, water, soil and technical elements in these areas? These are the questions addressed by LANDLABS, a doctoral research project in the field of landscape planning and design, which was successfully funded in April 2024 as part of the call for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks.

  • Exercise

    10 Steps to a National System for Monitoring the Physical Fitness of Children and Adolescents According to Recommendations from the FitBack Network

    In an era where children and adolescents are increasingly exposed to sedentary lifestyles and screen time, the question arises on how to reverse the trend of their continuous decline in physical fitness. A recent study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, prominently featuring researchers from the SLOfit team, offers a solution—systematic monitoring of physical fitness at both individual and population levels. There are several such national systems currently in existence—how do they differ? What are their advantages, and where are their limitations? Most importantly, how can we design and establish such a system using the best practices in 10 steps?

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    Third consecutive win for UL PF at international student EU law moot court competition

    Faculty of Law University of Ljubljana team won the Central and Eastern Europe Moot Competition (CEEMC), which took place in Prague from April 26 to 28. The competition is organised by the British Law Centre of Juris Angliae Scientia Ltd, and held under the auspices of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Centre for European Legal Studies of the University of Cambridge. Teams from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana have been successfully participating in the competition for over 20 years now, with this year's triumph marking the third consecutive win.

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    UL celebrated EUTOPIA day for the first time: international networking to tackle climate challenges

    Yesterday, the University of Ljubljana (UL) celebrated EUTOPIA day for the first time with a series of events on climate challenges and finding solutions for a sustainable future. Experts and students experts discussed and presented how UL, researchers and researchers are tackling and finding solutions to climate challenges at the European Union House in Ljubljana. The Alliance Day was held simultaneously at all ten partner universities and celebrated the efforts to create a common higher education space that fosters the development of education, research and innovation both locally and globally.

  • Drone

    New Technology developed at UL FRI Makes Drone-Based Precision Agriculture More Efficient

    Researchers at UL's Faculty of Computer and Information Science (FRI) have made a significant breakthrough in drone-based precision agriculture with a new AI technology. Limited onboard processing power in drones usually leads to the processing of the acquired images to take place post-flight, when they are downloaded and analyzed on a separate computer. Dr. Octavian Machidon's team, working on the H2020 Smart4All AgriAdapt project in 2023, tackled this limitation head-on. They developed an energy-efficient, adaptive framework enabling real-time processing of UAV images onboard the drone itself.

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    Researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana have obtained a Twinning project in the field of continuous (bio)catalytic processes

    Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl, researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana (UL FKKT) have obtained a Twinning project titled "Twinning for Building Excellence and Innovative Solutions in Flow Catalysis" – FlowCat.

  • Universal theoretical model of cell movement

    With a universal mechanism of cellular movement to new possibilities for treating cancer

    Cell migration in the body is a fundamental biological phenomenon. Immune cells constantly search for pathogens throughout the body, while cancer cells migrate, causing metastases. To better understand the migration of immune and cancer cells, researchers, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samo Penič and Prof. Dr. Aleš Iglič from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, have developed a universal physical model of cell movement. This has also paved the way for new possibilities in the treatment of cancer.

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    Exploring the relationship between science and citizens

    We, the EUTOPIA_HEALTH team, are embarking on a journey to explore the dynamic relationship between science and citizens, and we need your invaluable perspective to make a difference.

  • EUTOPIA Impact School for doctoral and postdoctoral candidates

    EUTOPIA Impact School will be held from between 9 and 13 September 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Each EUTOPIA partner university will select up to 3 doctoral or postdoctoral candidates.

  • Earth in space

    Harnessing the low temperatures of space to cool buildings and equipment in remote locations in an environmentally friendly way

    Doc. dr. Professor Primož Poredoš, in collaboration with colleagues from the Laboratory for Environmental Technologies in Buildings at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UL, and researchers from the ITEWA innovation team at Shanghai University, has developed a concentrator based on the AsymSkyCool method that enables cooling of buildings and appliances without the use of electricity. The concentrator takes advantage of the 'cold of space' – the extremely low temperatures of deep space, which can be as low as minus 15°C compared to the surrounding environment – and uses a special method to concentrate it and direct it towards a heat source. Using space as a cooling source enables environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable cooling of devices that consume large amounts of electricity, such as LED lights, batteries and electric motors.

  • doc. dr. Sabina Berne, prof. dr. Nataša Štajner in prof. dr. Jernej Jakše

    BF UL recipient of the MSCA Doctoral Network Project

    The Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana is the recipient of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network Project. The Department of Agronomy at BF UL will coordinate the project titled ViroiDoc - Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Sustainable Agriculture, worth 2.5 million euros, over the next four years. The project is led by Prof. Nataša Štajner, Asist. Prof. Sabina Berne and Prof. Jernej Jakše.

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    Record number of runners at the 5th Faculty to Faculty Run

    This year, a record 631 individuals participated in the traditional Faculty to Faculty Run, which yesterday once again brought together students, alumni and staff of the University of Ljubljana. They could choose between three different courses (5, 10 or 15 km) in this recreational run, passing all of the University’s faculties and academies based in Ljubljana.

  • Workshop on Innovation and Technology Transfer at UL

    The University of Ljubljana organises various activities, events and workshops on topical issues within the framework of EUTOPIA More, The European Association of Universities, and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans. On 4 and 5 April 2024, the third workshop on innovation and technology transfer took place at the University of Ljubljana, in the framework of the European Association of Universities Eutopia More and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans.

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    Important breakthrough in quantum physics by Prof. Dr. Tomaž Prosen and a Google Lab Team

    Professor Tomaž Prosen, a mathematical physicist from the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UL FMF), has published, in collaboration with Google’s Quantum AI laboratory, an article entitled “Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain” in prestigious scientific journal Science. The article presents breakthrough findings in the theory of quantum transport phenomena.

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    Workshop on Innovation and Technology Transfer at University of Ljubljana

    The University of Ljubljana organises various activities, events and workshops on topical issues within the framework of EUTOPIA More, The European Association of Universities, and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans. On 4 and 5 April 2024, the third workshop on innovation and technology transfer took place at the University of Ljubljana, in the framework of the European Association of Universities Eutopia More and the Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans.