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  • Measurement of Height of children

    New method for predicting adult height

    Researchers from Jožef Stefan Institute and Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, developed a new method for predicting adult height of children and adolescents. The method uses large population data collected in the framework of the SLOfit program over decades. It compares the growth curve of a child with those of the most similar individuals and substantially outperforms the existing height predicting methods.

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    Hydrodynamic cavitation can be used to inactivate enveloped viruses

    Researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, led by Prof. Dr. Matevž Dular, have shown in an experimental study that the phi6 virus, which belongs to the viruses with a lipid envelope, can be successfully inactivated using hydrodynamic cavitation. The study is significant in that it shows that hydrodynamic cavitation has the potential to inactivate pathogenic enveloped viruses in water under ambient conditions. Although the primary mode of transmission for enveloped viruses is not water, the recent pandemic has reminded us that we need to be prepared for the worst, given the possibility of the emergence of enveloped viruses or virus strains that can be transmitted through water in the future.

  • RKRS v Podgorici

    Eutopia MORE Universities and the Rectors' Forum of South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans on internationalisation strategy

    On 12 and 13 June 2023, the first workshop on internationalisation strategy was held at the University of Montenegro in Podgorica, in the framework of the European Association of Universities Eutopia More and the Rectors' Forum of South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. The workshop was also attended by the Rector of the University of Ljubljana, Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdič.

  • Claudio Schwarz/Unsplash

    Teden Zveze EUTOPIA v Lizboni: registracije so odprte!

    Z izhodiščem v premisleku Za boljšo Evropo (For a Better Europe), bo med 19. in 23. junijem 2023 potekal izbran nabor dogodkov za študentke in študente, raziskovalke in raziskovalce ter zaposlene na partnerskih univerzah EUTOPIE – učne in raziskovalne skupnosti desetih evropskih univerz, ustanovljene z namenom aktivnega sodelovanja pri ustvarjanju in prenovi skupnega visokošolskega prostora. Srečanje zveze desetih evropskih univerz EUTOPIA bo gostila Univerza NOVA v Lizboni. Dogodki bodo potekali v živo in prek spleta.

  • Eutopia Week in Lisbon: registrations are open!

    With For a Better Europe as the starting point, a selected set of events for students, researchers and staff of EUTOPIE partner universities - a learning and research community of ten European universities established to actively participate in the creation and renewal of a common higher education area - will take place between 19 and 23 June 2023. The meeting of EUTOPIA, the Union of Ten European Universities, will be hosted by NOVA University in Lisbon. The events will take place live and online.

  • Historical book

    A research breakthrough in the dating of historical books

    Heritage scientists can now date historical paper using only infrared light and computational analysis of spectroscopic data. In the research of postdoctoral researcher Dr. Floriana Coppola and colleagues, which is published in the top scientific journal 'Journal of the American Chemical Society', shows that it is possible to date paper extremely accurately, even to 2 years. An uncertainty this low is not possible with any other method, much less with a non-destructive method.

  • Water pollution

    Using cavitation to break down invisible water pollutants

    Researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the National Institute of Chemistry conducted an experimental study in which they achieved the degradation of a water-soluble synthetic polymer - poly(vinyl alcohol) PVOH - by acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation. The use of PVOH is rapidly increasing, and as a result, increasing amounts of this material are being released into the environment. PVOH is widely used in the textile and paper industries, as well as in households, for example in the form of detergent pods. It is estimated that thousands of tons of it are washed into the aquatic ecosystem every year.

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    Prof. dr. Slavko Splichal has received the 2023 Media and Democracy Karol Jakubowicz Award

    Academy member Slavko Splichal has received the 2023 Media and Democracy Karol Jakubowicz Award for his book Datafication of Public Opinion and the Public Sphere: How Extraction Replaced Expression of Opinion, which was published last year by Anthem Press in London and New York.

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    Chronic disease risk prediction with artificial intelligence

    Project SmartCHANGE - an innovative solution for drastically reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases.

    Although the future may seem like something we can only speculate about, the Jožef Stefan Institute, in collaboration with the SLOfit research group of the Faculty of Sport of the University of Ljubljana, within the Horizon Europe program, is starting to develop an innovative solution that would enable better prediction and drastic reduction of the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs; e.g. cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, various forms of cancer) with the help of artificial intelligence.

  • naslovne fotke novo SM 5

    Building a stronger Europe: EUTOPIA universities recommit to European unity on Europe Day

    Ten universities of the EUTOPIA Alliance, of which the University of Ljubljana is a member, are coming together on Europe Day to renew their commitment to shaping the future of higher education and research in Europe.

  • Mayumi Maciel/Unsplash

    EUTOPIA Urban Education Week in Brussels

    The Urban Education Week, complemented by previous weeks of online work among EUTOPIA students, took place in Brussels at the end of March. The week, which was full of networking between research and practice across the city, was also attended by representatives from UL.

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    The innovative solutions for the use of flexibility in the power system

    The increasing share of renewable distributed energy resources (DERs) in the power system is becoming a key for the decarbonization of the European energy sector and thus achieving the EU's energy and climate change policy objectives. The variability and uncertainty of the DERs generation present significant risks and challenges related to the stability and reliability of the entire interconnected European power system, as well as national and even small local networks while opening new opportunities for the development of new energy concepts and solutions.

  • Surgery

    New method for treating the cardiac arrhythmias through electroporation

    Slovenian scientists have contributed significantly to the development of treating heart arrhythmia using electroporation. This involves a procedure of ablation of the heart muscle with high-voltage electric pulses, in which researchers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana under the leadership of Professor Damijan Miklavčič are collaborating with the American company Medtronic, one of the leading medical equipment companies in the world. The results of the clinical study were presented at the beginning of March by Dr. Atul Verma, head of clinical research at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, at the congress of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans, USA.

  • Jason Goodman/Unsplash

    Be part of the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy

    The University of Ljubljana, as part of the EUTOPIA Alliance, invites researchers to apply for the Young Leaders Academy (YLA). The aim of the YLA is to support exchanges between YLA researchers and their professional development.

  • Rural area

    Biotechnical Faculty and partners free up potential European rural areas for transition to circular bioeconomy

    Based at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, a new Horizon Europe coordination and support project is underway to develop a working framework for introducing circular small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas. Assoc. Prof. Dr Luka Juvančič, head of the project at the Biotechnical Faculty in the Chair for Agrarian Economics, Policy Law of the Animal Science Department, explains: “The aim of the BioRural project is to address economic, demographic and climate challenges for the most remote rural communities, through the presentation of circular technological and organisational solutions in various fields of bioeconomy (agricultural and food systems, the forest-wood chain, water systems, bioenergy, biomaterials).” He pointed out that European rural areas should not just succumb to the role of a source of raw materials for the bioeconomy, but should strengthen local value chains that will contribute to increased income and new rural employment.

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    EUTOPIA invites to submissions for the Multilingualism and Diversity Student Conference

    The Multilingualism and Diversity Conference on 12 July 2023 is an opportunity to gain experience by presenting your research to a supportive student community, questioning and deepening your knowledge, and networking with peers who share similar academic interests. The deadline for submitting a draft paper (200-300 words) is 17 April 2023.

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    Applications open for EUTOPIA International Summer Schools of Universities

    EUTOPIA, which consists of 9 European universities in addition to the University of Ljubljana, invites students from all fields and levels of study to participate in the International Summer Schools 2023.

  • Shock wave

    Shocking in the field of pressure metrology

    Accurate measurements of time-varying pressure are important to many industrial sectors. The most stringent requirements for accurate high-frequency pressure measurements come from the automotive, aerospace and ballistics industries, where pressure with frequencies up to few hundred kHz must be accurately measured. To provide dynamic calibrations of pressure meters in the required frequency range and therefore enable accurate measurements in the most demanding industries, many national metrology institutes worldwide are developing a primary dynamic measurement standard for pressure based on the shock tube. In the shock tube, the calibrated pressure meter can be excited by an almost ideal pressure step change generated by the reflection of the shock wave from the end wall of the shock tube. Such an extremely rapid reflection of the shock wave, in addition to generating the high-frequency pressure, inevitably also excites unwanted mechanical vibrations, which can produce spurious output signals of the pressure meter being calibrated.

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    Prof. Mirjam Mencej has won a prominent ERC Advanced grant project

    Prof. Mirjam Mencej, PhD, from the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts has won the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant for established researchers for the project "The roles of the agency of the dead in the lives of individuals in contemporary society (DEAGENCY)". The project, worth almost EUR 2 million, will run for five years, starting on 1 September 2023.

  • Unsplash

    Student Think Tank, EUTOPIA's largest student initiative, invites you to join!

    Until 26 March 2023, you can apply to be a volunteer in EUTOPIA's largest student initiative, the EUTOPIA Student Think Tank (EUSTT).