Programme type


Programme feature




No. of ECTS credit points


VIS Student Information System

Online classroom (slov. "spletna učilnica")

Scientific title

doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (abbreviation: dr.)

in English language: Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviation: Ph.D.)

About the programme

The interdisciplinary Biomedicine doctoral programme brings together the expertise of many scientific disciplines, all with a common commitment to health and quality of life. This interdisciplinary programme brings together all the fields that are key to the understanding and development of biomedical sciences in the broadest sense of the word, and which have a long tradition and successful development at the individual faculties of UL. Researchers from the three national research institutes are also involved in the implementation of the programme, contributing their expertise in their respective fields to the development of doctoral students into successful and creative researchers.

The main focus of the doctoral programme is on the research work of the student. In addition to the research work, the doctoral student acquires the necessary theoretical knowledge in the course of his/her studies, with the possibility to choose between compulsory core subjects, theoretical electives and individual research electives. At the beginning of the studies, the doctoral student will design his/her individual programme, which will be approved by the supervisor and the coordinator of the scientific field, by selecting the subjects. 

The study is based on collaboration with national and international top experts in order to achieve the highest standards of excellence.
The programme is classified under the KLASIUS-P-16 education and training classification system in several categories 0988, 0888, and 0588, as it deals with basic and applied scientific work in a wide variety of scientific fields, which are not covered by any common code in the classification, and therefore the programme cannot be placed in a single KLASIUS-P-16 category.

How to apply

The Call for enrolment for doctoral programmes in the academic year 2025/2026 will be published presumably in February or March 2025.

For the call for enrolment, candidates have to apply on the eVŠ online portal.

At the latest at the time of enrolment, the candidate must submit a written agreement from the mentor or possible co-mentor to accept the mentoring or co-mentoring. At the same time, the candidate must also submit a brief conceptual outline of the research.


Deadline will be published in the Call for enrolment for doctoral programmes in the academic year 2025/2026.

Information days

Information days are held on different dates at the different faculties implementing the doctoral study programme. Students can find more detailed information on their websites.


Tuition fees by year:

€ 4,700 for the 1st year
€ 4,700 for the 2nd year
€ 2,600 for the 3rd year
€ 2,600 for the 4th year

That is € 14,600 for the whole study programme.

Programme coordinator

prof. dr. Borut Božič, Chairman of the Biomedicine Programme Council


Student offices of the member faculties by scientific fields they coordinate:

  • UL Faculty of Medicine (Vrazov trg 2, Ljubljana):
    Stela Kuželj (, tel. 01 543 77 24) and 
    Katja Jeraj (, tel. 01 543 78 02)
    for scientific fields:
    • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    • Medicine - Clinical Orientation
    • Medicine - Basic Orientation
    • Medical Microbiology
    • Neuroscience
    • Public Health

  • UL Faculty of Pharmacy (Aškerčeva cesta 7, Ljubljana): Urban Jernejčič (, tel. 01 476 96 28)
    for scientific fields: 
    • Pharmacy
    • Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine
    • Toxicology

  • UL Veterinary Faculty (Gerbičeva ulica 60, Ljubljana): Biljana Grubišić (, tel. 01 477 91 47)
    for the scientific field:
    • Veterinary Medicine

  • UL Biotechnical Faculty (Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana): mag. Vesna Ješe Janežič (, tel. 01 320 30 27)
    for the scientific field: 
    • Genetics

University Office for Doctoral study (Doctoral School) UL (Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana): Jelena Mikloš Tomažin, Ana Lambić: